
  • Remotely Controlled.    
    My dear, dear pet begged for this file. I present it for all. It is good for my French Maids and Men Club Members. It is suited for all who wish listen. Rated (X). Sexual actions. EMG wised me up to tell this file is a curse! It is my first and last cursed file. I can do no more.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:12
    Downloads: 742
    it worked just fine! thank you.
    Dear Hypnopet,\n Right now... think of how good I treat you. Think of your needing pain, from time to time. What file would you beg your Sir, your master, your Haxsaw... to make for you? Given the chance what would that pain element be, within a file? I respect you. I always have. So, confess to me now and we will work on this. I can send the file here and label it as the \"Pet Pain.\"\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Sir, \n\nYou have always treated me so very well, even now after those months. i thank You for that. love the pain of whips and canes,they make the endorphins flow after a while.\n\nhypnopet
    Dear Hypnopet,\n I can try my best, to excite you. \nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Dear hypnopet,\n Have you tried my file, \"Thunderstruck,\" as a primer?\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Thank You Sir, no i havent but i will.
    Dear hypnopet,\n For you will remain my obedient little pet. I am hoping \"Thunderstruck\" offers a a little shock. Perhaps it may give a bit of a jolt? Should it manifest in a physical reaction then I will make the next file.\nSincerely over you,\nHaxsaw
    Sir,\n\nAfter the thunder struck i was just laying there,in my bed.mindless and not willing to move until i had to go to the bathroom. the thunderstruck itself caused my body to heavily shiver and contract.\n\nwith love,\n\nhypnopet
    Dear Hypnopet,\n I did well with you. I am hoping it was liken to what you receive when you go to get pain? I will make more files then, as if such is the case. As you know, you are wanting to listen again. Go ahead, listen now, dear.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw\n
    Sir,\n\nno, it was not the same as receiving pain beacuse for endorphins to come loose it takes a while.\n\nwith love,\n\nhypnopet
    Dear hypnopet,\n Very good to know.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Dear hypnopet,\n Try \"Thunderstruck, extended version.\" It may help some.\nSincerely,\nHaxsawe
    yes Sir, thank You. will try it.
    Good girl. Good girl. I want to please you. In pleasing you you must, must obey me. I want you have the pleasure you crave.
    What does this file actually do?