
  • Calimores Obey Me My Pet    
    In this file (original induction by Powerpoint), I use the trigger from my Deep Trance Trigger file to deepen your trance and condition you to serve anyone you care for who refers to you as \"pet\". Be warned that language is used to create a very submissive mindset and that continued use of this file might help serve to change one\'s D/s orientation.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (26)
    Length: 23:00
    Downloads: 3252
    Trigger(by anyone)
    This is a very fun file, and very fun to play with. It\'s really relaxing, and following the trigger is so much fun. (Within moderation, of course. Gotta be careful with a trigger like this one). I would compare it to Bubble Induction in terms of the way the file and the trigger work.
    This is a really really good file. I love how it starts out being suggested with a strong safety net and then throughout the file it gets stripped away while the subject doesn\'t even mind. I wish /I/ had someone to call me pet, it would be so great.
    omg tingly everywhere I feel so good.. What did this do? I feel like I had triggers instilled in me. My mind feels wide awake and hyper and stuff. This file\'s amazing.. it even left me feeling more energetic than when I started. I feel it working in my mind... deep in my mind 0_0 I listened to a relaxing bineural beat before I listened to this one.. and wow. 0_0 THANK YOU for this wonderful (and most likely recursive) file. <3 I have a mistress who I serve she will be most pleased with my submission <3 and I will be to ^^;
    Takes time, but this file really sinks in
    This file is fantastic. It seems intended that it be played after Deep Trance Trigger on a playlist, since it uses the trigger from that file very early in the induction (before you might have a chance to position yourself comfortably). I can confirm that the two files work beautifully together. Like Jeshi said, this file is light on safety, so it\'s sure to appeal to submissives with serious loss of control fetishes. This will probably be my favourite file for quite some time.