
  • MajorPixel - Dreamer - Sample Fun - Dreamer Plus Toilet For Jan   , ,  
    I love doing free samples. Hell yes. Here ya go. I've taken the 20 min Dreamer file and added Toilet For Her - BBW Jan file on the end. So 40 min... As a stand alone. Use it to sample the Dreamer engine, or if you're a creative sort snag it here as a cheap way to have Dreamer. You'll want to wear headphone or buds and lay back, listening as you rest. Get cozy, smile and enjoy having a fat assed old lady crap all over you... heh. Pervert. You... you're the pervert. Pervert. More of the fun and special goodness from your pal The Voice. - Note this is 2x pieces ( hence 40 min ) joined and being posted to the Prem. section of WMM since EMG is cool, and I like adding fun bits for the members to savor etc.rn

    Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
    Length: 40:08
    Downloads: 1456