
  • Ice Man.    
    Haxsaw presents. Listen and become cold as ice. Light sexual wording involved. This file is for normal men. It is not based upon homosexual desires nor does it create effeminate actions.

    Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (2)
    Length: 11:50
    Downloads: 221
    Temporary(fixed time)
    \"Normal Men\"? That\'s patently offensive.
    Dear Friend,\n In this life we have made and abide by many differing name tags and labels. One time I made a file where a homosexual man could live the fantasy of making love to a woman. Many people go by many differing lifestyles. As in matter, what some men do as offensive they, themselves see as the norm. The entire premise behind w.w.m.com is to go beyond the norm. Enjoy the file.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    You\'ve done nothing to disprove that calling \"straight men\" \"normal men\" is offensive. All of your claims just show that because normal is subjective, calling straight men \"normal\" serves no purpose other than to call gay men weird. All you have to do is use the \"For straight men\" tag in the audience field and nobody will question it. Making half of your description needlessly homophobic (what do \"effeminate actions\" have to do with ice? Why would somebody think that this file does that? By bringing it up you do nothing by imply that there is a connection between homosexual desires and effeminate actions.) doesn\'t do anything but piss off otherwise reasonable non-bigoted people.
    Dear Jeshie,\n Hello again. I see you like writing, often to me. I am questioned often, regarding files I make. Like you mentioned beforehand, no one here is what you may label them. All wear different name tags. What would you consider a homosexual file to be? You complain over what you do not like yet never what you desire. With this being warp my mind I have received many different suggestions. I even answered a file to serve a Christian and another for men who wanted to dress and feel as ladies. Try and be civil. I am still waiting on you. Instead of being angry, what do you want in a file? In answer to your inquiry I made two simple ice files. One is an ice file for the girls. The other ice file is for the men. I strongly suggest you stop rambling. Lets work together and be friends. \nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    The fact remains the Ice Man file suggests it\'s for \'normal\' men and the Ice Girl file suggests it\'s for women and \"certain men\". You need to get a clue my friend. Effeminate behavior does not make a gay man nor do most gay men exhibit said behavior. Your assertions to the contrary are without merit. So are the files.
    Dear Friends,\n I make files homosexuals ask me for. When they ask for certain files, I make them. As for yourself, I read complaints. When requests come in and they do, I make files. I really tire of you. I would much rather drink over a cup of coffee and listen to what you have for a request. As you do not have a request there are many, many other files. Best regards.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    With respect, Haxsaw, the description does come off as a bit insulting to non-straight men. I believe the other comments were simply trying to be helpful (in their own rather acidic way). I think it is safe to say that almost any visitor to WMM would be considered outside the \"normal\", since visitors to this site are seeking a sexual experience through hypnosis. By the way you described your file, you do seem to be implying that heterosexual men are \"normal\" and everyone else is \"abnormal\". It\'s just a matter of the phrasing, I\'m sure you intended no disrespect. It\'s just something to keep in mind for future files. I will freely admit that I\'m not \"normal\" and quite proudly so, but it isn\'t my being gay that makes me abnormal. If you feel that homosexuality makes someone abnormal, you might wish to keep that to yourself in the future so that you don\'t have comments like those left on your files. The visitors of WMM are a diverse group, and nobody wants to feel alienated. Just my thoughts, take them as you will. Best of luck to you with your files!
    Dear Friend,\n Yes. As a matter of fact, many homosexuals do write in the requests. In some countries they are offended to be referred to as gay. They much prefer being labeled a third sex. With that in mind, I meet many, using various name tags. As for myself? From hearing my perverted files it is agreed I am way off base. I do not believe anyone knowingly would refer to Haxsaw as normal either. In a rather light hearted fashion, I make the wording the subject is listening to a voice sounding affirmative and in control. Many want, even demand, this leading voice as part of the process. There are a few, mostly a few girls, who tell they hate me for being overbearing! Here is one more case of a few displeased. I wrote several times before on other comments that, in trying to please everyone usually there are many who are unhappy. Product presentation does so count. Yes, I am not trying to offend others. Thank you so much in replying, friend.\nSincerely,\nHaxsaw
    Haxsaw, I have listened to and enjoyed many of your files. I was surprised by your use of insulting language because of your overall gentle and respectful approach to erotic hypnosis. Please consider changing the text of your description. (I hope that you don\'t imply that gay men are abnormal in your mp3 file, but as a gay man, I don\'t want to listen if that is even a possibility.) As others have said, when you contrast \"normal\" as being opposite \"homosexual desires\" and \"effeminate actions\" (in other words, gay men, and transgender women or male crossdressers), you are echoing the damaging slurs that many of us have heard all our lives. Whether we are statistically the \"norm\" or not here on WMM, your words are having unintended effects here because of how they have been used by society against gays & transgender people. \nsincerely, godhole
    Dear Godhole,\n Yes, yes, point well taken. On this island, I need use other terms, when confronting them, also. I am just as glad to leave it as men and women. Of course, with the various files and the differing kinks I need other angles. Yes society, worldwide, does not want homosexuality, period. At the least here you listen to the files I make. I am sure some of my files are great material. I am certain others are \'off the wall.\'\n Did you ever ask what is normal? Are we not all abnormal, in one aspect? I do respect the gentle listener, yes. At the same time, others come, asking to try files intended for homosexuals. They wonder if they will be left with homosexual cravings or desires. Here are other gentle listeners who want experiment with variously odd files I make. Many files I make are certainly off base. We know this. In labeling I am trying to assure a large group from many, many different angles we can all sometimes listen. Nobody is here to hurt anyone. I never intend that with anyone on-line, of course. Often, when presenting files for men involving sexuality I am questioned whether it is with a hidden, homosexual agenda. \nTrying to please everyone is impossible,\nHaxsaw
    Ever think these guys are being arses because they listened to the file? Just wondering
    Dear Kemo, Indeed. It crossed my mind, a few times. As in pleasing customers in my shop or pleasing customers in the rental business or pleasing customers in construction... Whew! (Let me wipe my brow,) I need reach out and listen. One guy came on, telling me my labels were incorrect, offending him. Geez\'! Many, many matters in life really, truly tick me off, hard core. I blink, I swallow, I contain the urge. One store; this man stated a certain product was just right for my son/daughter/person and would please him/her. After going on and on, rambling with extended sentence structure, like this, I raised my hands and stated I would just buy it! On this South Pacific Island homosexuals are offended unless, unless you call them a non-sexual, third person. They like being called a \'third sex.\' Geez\'! Sincerely, Haxsaw