
  • MajorPixel - Dreamer - Full Service Ass Slave For The Voice — $20    
    So you like the idea of being my ass slave huh? Cool. You know... I work as a pro, right? heh. As is the case, you're not the first, and fyi... you shant be the last. Mix this with your other Dreamer files. Enjoy visions of licking my ass and serving for real. heh. Just the thing to help you with your sick fantasy jerk off times, I'm sure. oh... Wear headphones or ear buds.. its a rich and dirty mix,

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (2)
    Length: 19:57
    Downloads: 63
    1 star and no downloads? seems a troll has hit the boards. Sad too. How can someone trust any ratings if you\'re out here marking stuff you\'ve not tried?