
  • Bimbo Blessing Part 1 (Induction & Warning) — $10   , ,  

    This is the first part of my Bimbo Blessing (Curse) File. I decided to make the Induction a separate file so that my listeners can have the option to skip it after they've heard it if they decide to loop the main file over and over again till their little brains turn to cotton candy. There is an important warning near the end of the Induction, you will have about 60 seconds to decide whether or not you truly want to be cursed to be a silly giggly permanently aroused and happy sex obsessed girl who wants nothing but to dress up and flirt and fuck and gossip and giggle and dance. This file is a lot of fun but it is also very serious and it is your decision whether or not you want to listen or not. It will affect you whether you want it to or not so make sure you know what you're getting yourself into beforehand princess.



    Rating: ★★★★★ (39)
    Length: 11:44
    Downloads: 19011
    What a great file!!!!! i love cock so much more than i ever thought possible!
    whats this file then does it tell me whats gonna happen if i listen to the main file ?
    cant seem to access this file wish i could sounds perffffect giggles\r\n
    Is this suitable for women?