
  • ASM124 - Artist In Me - Draw (W/Binaural & Subliminal) — $15    
    This file from the Artist In Me series will help you drawing and painting pictures. Imagine you want to draw something so you project it on a sheet of paper to have a guide to make your picture. This file does that. After listenning to this file the listener will be able to see the image he or she wants to draw on any surface just like it has been lightly projected. So the listener will no longer have the need to be looking at the original landscape, face, etc. in order to draw or copy it. The user will be able to change the rotation, zoom and size, and the position of the "projected" image. With 3 tracks, and a long lenght induction. Volume: 95db, you may use headphones with mid-volume. Recommended: listen to this file before going to sleep every night. Comments are welcome.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 30:58
    Downloads: 26
    asm124, if you\'re reading this, why is this here and not on hypno-files.com? That seems like the right place for this.
    That\'s right. I tried posting it on hypno-files.com but I couldn\'t, so I posted it here, I know there are not many files like this one here. Anyway, you may try any of my files on hypno-files.com, I have posted several there too.