
  • Induction with Deepener   , , ,  
    An original induction and deepener with binaural beats descending from high alpha to mid theta. This file is intended to take you under via your inner child. It casually references the male body without delving deeply into anything specific. It is intended to be used before a body file, followed by an awakening file. This is my first file, so feedback is welcome.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 08:42
    Downloads: 588
    Only while under
    Interesting file. The induction was very good and your voice is very nice. Although at times you sounded kind of scared or excited? like you were telling a horror story and just about describing someone being chased down a hallway. That was more towards the beginning but I noticed it at times, not really relaxing. Most of the time though you were very good.\nI\'m curious about the question you asked in the file, were you intending it to be of a sexual nature? Was it supposed to be one of those things where you don\'t count your family? (like how kissing your grandmother doesn\'t count as a first kiss). It might be useful to specify that if you had any kind of specific intentions there.\nI\'m looking forward to seeing what other files you end up making that could follow this one.