
  • Submissive Bimbo (German)   , ,  
    This file will transform you into a feminine, big breasted, submissive Sissy Bimbo Slut, while you're under its influence. Your IQ will drop as your breasts grow. You will be obedient to anyone who triggers you. There is a trigger to turn this state on and off. And again, this file is in German.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (7)
    Length: 33:21
    Downloads: 2381
    Trigger(by yourself)
    Kazonk, could you post an english script so that someone could record an english version of this file? It\'s one of the few bimbo files that isn\'t permanent, so I\'d love to have it.
    twich, if you\'re looking for a good bimbo file that\'s not permanent, I\'d strongly recommend Mind Mistress\'s \"Happiness\" CD. It\'s not free, but worked on my wife like a bloody charm. When triggered, she can\'t think of anything but fucking, and is so desperate, she basically rubs her clit on the couch until she gets some.\n
    Oh, and yes, It\'s gender neutral :)
    die Datei ist so toll, es lohnt sich. Vielen Dank Kazonk
    http://translate.google.com/#de/en/\n\ndorthin gehen und klicken Sie auf \"ein Dokument übersetzen\" und laden Sie Ihr Skript und übersetzen sie in Englisch bitte!\n\noder laden Sie die Original-Skript zu warpmymind.com :)\n\nDiese Datei klingt so heiß!
    Geniale Datei! Kann garnicht mehr aufhören sie anzuhören!
    Vielen Dank für die schöne Zeit die ich unter Hypnose erleben durfte. Nur der Gedanke daran macht ganz feucht und ich versuche mir vorzustellen wie es wohl in deinem Folterkeller wäre. Knicks Courtney
    Can you make an english version please
    Kazonk, would you be able to post a script (even in the original german)? I\'d like to run it through a translator to get the general gist of it and rewrite it for english peeps. Really want to give it a shot, but my German is about as bad as it gets.