
  • Curse Slut Who Cant Say No (subliminal) — $5    
    So you say you want to download my Silent Sound subliminal version of EMG\'s classic Curse file? And you promise not to play it unless the people who hear it know what it is?

    What, you are NOT Premium and you only have $5? I guess THIS is your lucky day!

    Note: Be sure to adjust the volume setting down until you can barely hear anything coming out of the speakers. The younger the listener, the more likely this Ultrasonic subliminal will be heard. Sorry dogs - you\'re gonna be sluts, soon.

    Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆ (0)
    Length: 14:00
    Downloads: 137
    Hi All, I am keen to try this out interested to know if anyone has had any success with this and also if there is a reverse can this be switched off after a period of time ?
    This used to be free, what happened?!