
  • Desire to Be a Dog    
    The "binaural" features a binaural music track with theta waves in background to take you deeper, but the first one listed has no music for those who can't listen to binaural beats due to health reasons. This file increases the desire for the listener to be a dog, even if just from time to time, as part of pup play (dogslaves are encouraged to try the subhuman file, this is more for play). This is for roleplay as a dog, and does NOT encourage activities with real dogs, just acting like a dog as part of the pup play fetish. Check out more mind of dog files including triggers at http://hypnosuperior.com/ - all for Pup Play or Slave Play

    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 21:42
    Downloads: 2016
    Sex with Animals Risk Health \r\n\r\nMen who, in order to satiate their sexual desire, have sex with animals are found to be at double risk to acquire penile cancer. \r\n\r\nRevelation was made by Brazil researchers, who by profession are urologists. In order to reach the conclusion, they enrolled 492 men, aged between 18 and 80 years. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nDuring their research, it was revealed that those men, who indulge in bestiality not only have chances to get diagnosed with penile cancer, but there are also great chances that they get diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases. Out of 492 males, 119 were suffering from Sexually Transmitted Disease, said lead author, Stjnio de Cassio Zequi. \r\n\r\nAlso, 45% of the males agreed that they had sex with animals and to avoid any medical complexity, they even visit doctors to get themselves screened. More than 59% men revealed that in the last five years, they have got only one opportunity to have sex with animals and 21% of the men were found to be regularly doing it. \r\n\r\nExplaining the complications of having sex with animal, Zequi said that animal skin is hard and men penis membranes are quite delicate and repeated sex leads to micro-traumas in penis. He further affirmed, \"The genital mucus membranes of animals could have different characteristics from human genitalia, and the animals\' secretions are probably different from human fluids”. \r\n\r\nResearchers were devastated to know some of the events that unfolded during the research, they found that 35% of the rural Brazilian men have sex with animals in routine and they do not mind doing that. \r\n\r\nThere is a lot of difference between human and animal genital organs, stressed Zequi, who further asserted that non-human secretions is quite harmful for humans.
    This file has NOTHING to do with having sex with an animal! It is for guys that like the roleplay of pretending to be a dog. Are you not familiar with role play? Yes, some guys will want the humiliation of even animal sex, but this file is not for them. This file is for the guys that enjoy wagging their \"tail\" as a master or mistress rubs their head.