
  • I Hasen't Asked This!!!!    
    like the tittle say , this file is a deprogram file will help you to get rid off all unwanted suggestion of your mind , the original script is from MissTira{MK} so yes one of my other persona , as she dont speak she has insisted for me to record it , and you canot say no to someone living into your head or they become anoying XD , still very good script wich i think may help you , (use a stereo headphone) enjoy

    Self Help
    Rating: ★★★★★ (1)
    Length: 15:08
    Downloads: 394
    Cant rate but this deprogrammer will help you, my friend felt better after listening to it while she slept. Thanks Bethy rating 4.99 -5
    you\'re welcome and i\'m glad if your friend feel better meow
    Curious, you have another persona? Tulpa?
    Split personalitity in fact, Will be a long story and more than just one :) We're currently 5 in my system and we're all hypnotist at some extend.