
  • Female Muscle Fan — $15   ,  

    This recording encourages an attraction and admiration for female body builders. Develop an irresistible attraction for strong, powerful women. You will be compelled to learn all you can about bodybuilding, including healthy recipes for building lean muscle and exercises for maximum gain. Find every way you can to make yourself useful to female body builders. Encourage them and support their goals. Their values rub off on you, inspiring you. Share the bodybuilding lifestyle. Most importantly, put them first. Feel your fascination and desire focusing more and more exclusively on female bodybuilders. You prefer women who lift. You long to take care of them, encourage them and serve them. Female bodybuilders are goddesses to you. Worship them. Treat them with admiration and respect. And encourage the women in your life to respect themselves enough to lift too. Appreciate how amazing it would be if more women developed their sexy, muscular bodies. More recordings at www.slutinmyhead.com.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (3)
    Length: 22:11
    Downloads: 369