
  • Anti-Masturbation Blessing — $10   , ,  
    A gentle blessing file to make you quietly forget to masturbate - saps your desire to touch your penis.

    Self Help
    Rating: ★★★★☆ (3)
    Length: 13:51
    Downloads: 129
    Induction contains low-level subliminals. Something about Satan and "Your inner demon." I'm going to guess it's a suggestion to download his Inner Demon series that forces you into an extremely self-destructive life pattern. The file does NOT sap your desire to touch your penis or forget to masturbate. It makes you unable to get an erection unless you're having unprotected sex and one person ejaculates into the other. Internal ejaculation is an explicit requirement for orgasm. Not exactly what it says on the box. I just listened to hear what the suggestions were and still felt terrible afterward, like I'd been subjected to a very unpleasant psychic attack. A drugged, angry feeling like coming down with the flu. Had weird, obsessive thoughts about using magic and hypnosis to make people kill themselves with sex. Also, ironically, had a strong compulsion to masturbate while thinking about these thoughts. Had to do banishing and curse breaking exercises to finally feel better. From a technical point of view - the file almost exclusively used negative phrasing for getting rid of masturbation and positive phrasings for fantasizing about and engaging in unprotected sex to the point where you feel compelled to go out and do it.
    The attempt to transmute the desire for masturbation into the desire for fantasizing about sex with a partner does little to help this track's effectiveness.