
  • axiomcd1    
    Makes a man want to wear womens underwear 24/7. This file is voiced by a speech-synthesizer.

    Rating: ★★★☆☆ (36)
    Length: 09:33
    Downloads: 11075
    Updated Mon 1 Jan, 2007. Script file and binaural version added. This is my first attempt at a script, hypnotic mp3 or binaural file. Feedback would be very welcome Axiom
    Hi axiom, great file ^_^ things i liked: the wording, imagery and overall suggestion. things that can be improved: i found the tempo a little to quick, there was a double click sound somwhere in the middle of the file, and overall i just prefer a human voice. Great job, thanks a lot for posting it.
    Wow.. i just listened to this file.. great stuff! The coolest thing was the amnesia. When that part came up.. my mind did a "hiccup" of sorts.. kind of like when you wake up after a dream.. and you know you had a dream but you cannot remember any details. I have never experienced any hypnotic induced amnesia before.. and right now.. i realize i just had a session.. but it is difficult to piece together exactly what happened. My mind comes up with a bit of something that i think happened.. but then self-doubt pops up and I am uncertain if that really happened. Very, very wow. By now the whole thing has gone the way of a dream you cant remember at all. I believe that the faster than normal pace kept my mind from wandering. There was never a moment of waiting really. Also.. the robotic voice. Since it was a little more difficult to make out what was being said.. i had to completely concentrate on the words that were spoken. This made my mind to have no room to wander. Although, there was a WTF moment when the amnesia hit! 5'd for awesomeness! Sorry about the double post.. i was excited! :)