
  • LR Chic Chic — $25    
    The more the typical aggressive male listens the more bored and disgusted he becomes with aggressive male team sports, gravitating, instead, toward more feminine interests. He may become mildly interested in women’s golf, women’s tennis, and figure skating. An addiction track will ensure he listens often. He will find he has the same feelings about action movies. Instead, he’ll prefer comedies and love stories. If he’s forced to view an action movie, he’ll find himself empathizing with the supporting actress. Feeling what she feels and understanding her point of view. He’ll also develop an interest in women’s periodicals like “Cosmopolitan”, “Teen”, and “First for Women”. Beconning especially interested in articles about how women feel and how to better please them.

    Rating: ★★★★★ (4)
    Length: 30:45
    Downloads: 254