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by slamz

i've downloaded a few of the files... it has been 2 days since i've started listening before i go to bed... started with the induction... then the deepening... then the respective curse file or train file... maybe i'll try the reinforce file during the day... anybody reading this... please advise whether it's the correct way to do it.. thanks..


- nuit09

The file sequence you have chosen is very sensible. far more so than most newbies that come here and expect a file to work like magick no matter how poorly they can trance. I would just say (in case you are going to sleep while listening to the trances ) that unless a file says specifically that you will not remember the trance you should be somewhat aware during them. going to sleep is not the goal. not remembering is also not normally the goal unless specified. unless specified and structured that way sleeping ( during the script) greatly reduces effectivness of the suggestions for most people.

- slamz

thanks for the reply nuit09, i'll keep that in mind...

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