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patches' Recent Entries

Catching up is hard to do...

by patches

Due to maters beyond my control I was unable to update my journal last saturday-monday. However not updating from then untill now is all my own fault. I let things get to me and put it off forgetting about it and well now here I am a few days behind. There is nothing really to talk about except for my reactions to the trance files my Master has instructed me to listen to everynight. As of late the trance seemed very shallow or almost not at all. The words came and I relaxed, I fadded but I did not deepen. I felt awake and aware for most of the CD then became fully aware when the CD stopped. I think I am still going under (I cant remember most of the CD so I have to be in a trance) but the trance just seems to be very shallow untill I finally blank out and for some reason I seem to be choosing to wake up after the CD active and energetic. I had a problem with this for about three days but the last few days I dont seem to be having as much of a problem. I fade not as deep as I used to with the first CD but then I'm awake so I must be choosing to wake up, I just dont know why. Well atlest the messages seem to be getting through to me from the CD thats whats important. ~Patches


- Blink

I appreciate your honesty. We'll still need to address the issue of your tardiness with this assignment, but your admission of negligence helps your cause. We've already noted that you're not getting any sense of being in trance, but that you don't remember all of the CD. If you want a deeper sense of relaxation, go back to the first disc. You can--and are encouraged to--use both discs together. Email a current schedule if you please, Patches. -- JAU

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