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demigraff's Recent Entries

Local people?

by demigraff

Today, I was pretty bored at college, so I decided to check the forums. I typed in the URL of this site, and noticed that someone else's username and password were already filled in in the login box, thanks to IE's useful "remember password" feature, so useful on a public PC at college. So, hi to danjones7, I'm tempted to send a PM and introduce myself. In a way, it seems weird, but its kind of exciting to know that someone else here uses this site. Should I PM him, or not? I can't decide


- nuit09

Yes you certainly should. you should inform them that they are at risk for identiy theft if they let (especially a) public use computer retain their name and password. what if they used a credit card to make a purchase in that same session? concievably someone could go to that commerce site and modify their order to get different stuff and have it shipped to another address, perhaps even get theor credit card information. that they would be caught is no compensation for losing access tou your money while it is straightened out and having your credit report screwed because you cannot pay your own bills because some scum has appropriated all your money.

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