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Lonerwolf's Recent Entries

My Experiences So Far!

by Lonerwolf

I have been coming to WarpMyMind for about three weeks, referred by a friend upon my mention of recent meditational development. I have been soul-searching much as of late and I thought I might use some of the relaxation I'd been training into myself for something more perversely enjoyable. I recognize spirituality and sexuality as two different things - though they are in many ways connected, I am sure not to confuse them.

I am greatly impressed and pleased by how much more quickly and easily I am slipping into trance already. I quickly absorbed a great deal of wisdom from the experienced forum-goers and it has allowed me to progress much further in this short amount of time than I believe most people can. I do have the feeling I'm going to be a tough nut to crack when it comes to convincing me of the impossible, but I know I can overcome my intensely analytical and intelligent conscious with a driven enough desire.

It was a bit rocky in the beginning. I tried to just use the "goal" files without any help from inductions, deepenings etc. so it didn't work so hot. I rethought my process, and used Deepening for awhile, still not that great.

Things really started to pick up when I began using Accelerator, TrainSubsceptable and ConfusionInduction, the latter of which continues to amaze me. ConfusionInduction takes me right under almost immediately, giving me a completely new way to look at trance that really helps me. It really does an excellent job. I also tried ResistanceInduction and it kinda worked, but nowhere near as well.

I have learned to string files together into one long trance to go as deep as I possibly can, the most difficult of which going on the end at the deepest part. There are some problems with this, however, to which I have devised a solution I will explain later.

I had a very strange effect from Accelerator a few days ago, which I believe may have been one of my first very deep trances. After listening to Accelerator, with TSubsc and FurryTr leading, the latter two sounded as if they were going by twice, three times as fast. I felt as if I'd absorbed them so much better.

I tried files by Lady Rio and Adlalma, also, and the results were intriguing. Lady Rio's LRFemaleOrgasm I tried near the beginning, and had some results in feeling, though no orgasm. LRHousecat I do every once in awhile, and my visualizations in trance are becoming extremely vivid. However, I have been making the mistake of waking myself out of trance when she stops talking, thinking it will make me a housecat when I wake up - I guess I'm supposed to have a trance scene as a housecat instead. Though I did have fleeting behavioral results from waking up, including a very gratifying and thorough feline stretch session w/o visuals, including limited feeling of pawpads and fuzz. As for Adlalma's "MeFirst," I can say his methods don't work as well for me and his file had a lot of breaks and errors in it - though he does have an excellent (Jack Nicholson-like) voice.

Now, before I mentioned a problem with stringing files together, and I've come up with a method I will execute ASAP. I keep getting distracted by added inductions where I don't need them, and "waking up" recordings when I want to maintain trance. I have decided I will break the files up into their base parts and put them into the following folders on my iPod for easy playlisting:

................Normal Bodies
................Sub/Bin Bodies

By using the on-the-go playlisting feature on the iPod, I will simply string the files together as I need them. I think my plan for now will be ConfusionInduction, Deepening, Accelerator minus wakeup, TrainSubsceptable body, FurryTransformation body, ConfusionInduction-wakeup - In that order. Though I do wonder if I should be separating each of the bodies with something, I wonder if I might get confused. I don't think so. Until I get Adobe Audition working again, I'm a little better at resisting the wake-ups than I was at first.

I don't know how well subliminals or binaurals work, but I do like the way the theta wave difference in TrainDogTheta32.mp3 is integrated into EMG's voice, rather than as a separate sound - I find the seperate sounds distracting sometimes.

I wonder sometimes how music might be able to help me trance better. I'm a musician and my life is pretty much dedicated to is, so music really helps me. Perhaps I'll write some trancing music - If I get around to it, I'll certainly link it here!

I might as well tell you all what turns me on. Bodily transformation, including animal and gender changes, is my biggest thing, and bestiality does it for me too. I guess I'm pretty much equally bisexual. I'm a somewhat submissive person and would probably enjoy being treated like a (well-treated) pet. I do have some dominant talents, if not the leaning.

By the way, when I am trancing, I lie in bed with my arms at my sides, eyes closed, usually with a blanket on (It's cold in here) and with my iPod plugged into the wall, and a folding headset. I'm not sure what to do with this headset, it's rather flimsy and not very tight so listening overnight can be somewhat problematic. It's making my ears sore sometimes (I sleep on my side!) and I sometimes wake up with them off my head. I might just find a pair with a tighter grip on my head, and smaller drivers. I wish I could use speakers, but I would be mortified if my housemates knew.

Here's a list of files I've used, how much, and results.

FurryTransformation - Two to three times a day (sometimes successively) for three weeks, current: Closed-eye sensations, no visual hallucinations.

TrainDog Binaural - Every other day or two, twice in a row: While I fear what the complete effect would do to me, I do really enjoy listening to this file and will continue to do so - perhaps more often.

Feminizing files e.g. TrigWoman and FeminizingTransformation - Just a curious tryout or two: I'm pretty good at visualizing and sensing a female body in trance. Very little if any effect outside of trance. I do have autogynephilia so sometimes an erection can disturb trance.

TrigWerewolf - Daily twice in a row for a few days two weeks ago: Little closed-eye sensation and huge desire for the change. Passionate repetition of the trigger and acting out of the expected changes got me pretty excited. I really wanted this one to work (quadruped w/mind change is so much sexier) but I figure it would be a lot harder than FurryTransformation.

I know this has been a long post, but I need to keep updated and remember these things for myself. So far, my little hypnosis side-project here has actually taught me a lot besides the fact that I'm a dog. It has helped me achieve new levels of relaxation and trance, improved drum journeys immensely, and taught me a lot more about how my unconscious mind works. And that EMG has an irresistably sexy voice.

I will continue to post updates here as often as I possibly can.


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