Lonerwolf's Recent EntriesCursedPlugs afet One Dayby LonerwolfI didn't get much effect from CursedPlugs today until I started feeling it around 1:30 - only 45mins until I could leave for home. The difference was that, rather than arousing me, it felt uncomfortable and somewhat like a lower intestinal irritation. At one point it became so unbearable I wondered if I would be able to tell the difference between need for a bowel movement or my percieved "plug."
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but I'm probably going to remove it at some point if it doesn't fade soon. Right now it is 3:25pm and it's there, but pretty weak. I wonder if EMG would accept scripts or other product in exchange for a curse cure.
Of course, I do feel strangely compelled to listen again... ;)