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patches' Recent Entries

April 19-21

by patches

Due to conditions beyond my control update was postponed for awhile there. Ok well heres all the updates I missed. I recieved a package from Master on Wed containning a fictional book called "Friday" a dictonary, a new trance CD and two boxes of every flavored bean (and they do mean every flavor). After enjoying half a box of the beans and finding a rotten egg flavored one I put those away for a bit. I listen to the CD that night and I think I fell asleep halfway through it because I didn't hear all of it. The sound is really messed up in places though and its hard to hear him. That night I also managed to start reading the book Friday. I listen to the CD again thursday night but this time I stayed awake the whole time. I was deeply relaxed but just couldn't go under. My nose was stuffed up and I sleep on my chest so thats probly what caused me to stay awake the whole time. I still dont think I recall everything that was on that cd. Friday I woke up an hour before my alarm went off, around 7am after having taken some nightquil around 3am (grr). I actually felt awake and active and got out a little before 9 for my walk. Well I'm more then half way done with the book Friday and I've been looking up a few words now and again in the dictonary but I dont really see any connection to whats going on with me from the book Friday. Maybe I'm missing it but it just dosn't seem to connect with me as Master hinted it might. Well I think I'll finish the book by sunday. Oh and sadly the text commands did not seem to have any effect even when I tried to imagine Master whispering the words into my ear. ~Patches~


- Blink

Give 'em time. You've only had the disc a couple of days and we're trying to get visual hallucinations outside of trance. That's a high degree of difficulty. Keep listening and I'll try to get a better recording for you. BTW, I really enjoyed playing with you on Friday evening. Eve, though, was amazing. The schedule says no calls before 1 p.m. tomorrow. I hope you two last that long. -- JAU

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