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patches' Recent Entries

May 6th

by patches

Before I forget here is the reply to Master's questions in my last journal (I dont mind answering publicly) I believe if I was any of the Yugis I would have been Jaiden Yugi (I really dont like that guy he's too cocky) and all I did was help the girl up and try to walk her out of the building but all the doors shut before we could leave. Thats the last I remember from the dream. Did I mention we were not alone? There were three others with us but I cant recall anything about them. Ok as for this journal I actually listen to the CD all the way through lastnight. Its really odd I can feel the memory of the CD fadding with each hour. I remember hearing about the boy who visited the old man to help solve his problems, I remember the wall with the window and a door with a window and a knob bellow the window and I remember you talking about the circle of life. I cant reall remember any details even though I was awake through the whole thing. Hmm, yes I could see the song playing in the background while your walking through walmart... ~Patches~


- Blink

Sith lord to Wal-Mart employee: "I find your lack of adequate pet supplies... disturbing." As I said in our phone conversation of about three minutes ago, your subconscious is aware that the instructions in the disc are not intended for your conscious mind. You're eager to please me and do as you're told, so you're erasing those memories. I've never given you any explicit instruction to do that, by the way. You've figured that out on your own. (You really do have excellent control over what you remember.) If you think about a particular Saturday evening (guess which one), you'll be able to remember some things that seem to sparkle a little more brightly than others. I expect you can recall every detail of those images. I hope that one such memory is that of a sparkle in my eyes. Hugs, pet. -- JAU

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