9thby patchesNothing big to comment on today, the trance seems to be working fine as usual. I just have a few issues getting comfortable while I listen to the Cd but my attention has focused directly to the CD now so I dont even notice if my rats are making noise (which I'm sure they are). I dont remember where I zoned out last night on the CD but then again I rarely ever can. I had a really weird dream, I was at school, I was injured or something I'm not sure but I had trouble I think with my leg. There was some crappy band playing and I moved to the gym. I just got there as we were being dismissed and for some reason I ended up crawling through a bunch of tunnels. I remember the tunnels kept branching off but they got smaller and smaller and I was getting scared...I remember being afraid. I dont know maybe it has to do with watching a weird movie and eating rich ice cream.