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To do

by demigraff

Right folks... I'm planning to go a'travelling. So can anyone help me with any of the following?
(Any reasonable rewards offered if you can assist me, just ask)

Most of these are things I could probably look up myself online, but I'd prefer a recommendation from a real person who has experience or knowledge

  1. 1. Medicine
  2. I'm diabetic. If I'm going abroad, I'll need to find some way to get my insulin. Can anyone help me find a reference on how I'd go about this? I suspect that for a person of no fixed abode, it'll be a lot harder than just getting a prescription from my GP

  3. 2. Employment Law
  4. I don't have enough money to stay in hotels for the whole of my holiday. Am I legally allowed to work for food + board? To take a short term job in a country I'm passing through? Can anyone advise on how working through europe works?

  5. 3. Tech
  6. As far as tech goes, I want to be as cheap and lightweight as possible. I'll need a smartphone or laptop to keep my journal, so I can still post on my blog/journal online, and keep friends and family from worrying about me. Is a laptop or a smartphone the better option?

    I expect a mobile phone with roaming would also be essential, so I can get online. How does roaming work? Will any of the major networks be able to get coverage (even intermittently) in other parts of the world? How much of the world do they cover? Does roaming give you net access in other countries, or is it just for voice calls?

    I'd quite like a GPS thing as well... can anyone who has one advise me?

  7. 4. The blog
  8. I already mentioned I'll be keeping a blog. Can anyone recommend a decent one? (or even build/customise one for me - I can pay something, but probably not too much).

    It will be lightweight, with only one registered user (me). Other people will be able to comment anonymously, or sign comments with an openID. Each of my posts will have a locatrion assigned to it, and the index page will show a map (google maps API?) showing my route so far, with each location being a link to the appropriate entry. Comments can either be replies to one of my posts, replies to another post, or messages with a location of their own (like "come visit me here" or "this town has a cheap b&b"). If possible, I'd like to download nearby points with a location to my GPS thing, so I can use people's advice to plan my route.

  9. 5. A trance
  10. LanguageLearning (or whatever its called) is a nice file, but seems geared towards actual lessons, studying. If possible, I'd like someone to try to hypnotise me and give suggestions conducive to learning a language through phrasebooks and hearing it in use.


- poetzero

In response to your "blog" query, may I recommend worldsurface.com? It's a neat little site that can provide you with an area for blogs, although they do call it diaries on the site. It can also provide you with a wealth of information for any destination you may be travelling to on a personal level. A few years ago, I had a friend, along with her husband, travel in eastern Europe along the River Danube towards the Black Sea. Thanks to worldsurface.com, I was able to keep up to date on their journey in virtual real-time. Very cool! Bon Voyage in advance. Cheers, pz

- cdsfhc2002

i dont know about the rest of your question, but as far as the insulin goes, once a vial is opened it can be left unrefrigerated for 28 days without losing potency, beyond that you must throw it out, this is true for all insulin, and depending on the type of insulin you use refrigerating may extend the life of the vial to 30 to 45 days. After that point you should always discard your insulin and start a new vial. unopened vials are the same unrefrigerated(28 days) and refrigerated are good until their expiration date. they do make little insulated totes for carrying your insulin in so you may want to look into this also, if you have any other questons, pm me

- demigraff

Thanks for the link poetzero :) That site looks like it might have some useful information.

cdsfhc2002: Thanks, but I've already read the leaflet that comes with my insulin. My question was how to go about getting more when this one runs out a thousand miles from home.

Progress so far:

  1. Medicine
  2. My doctor is willing to give me a prescription before I go, even though I only recently had one, so I've got a spare of evertything as I set off. Also, I've got a form to apply for a card which should let me get free prescriptions in Europe. Anyone who can tell me how much prescriptions are likely to cost in Asian countries, or what I'd have to do to get stuff, that advice would be much appreciated.

    1. Law
    2. I'm told I don't need a visa or anything to cross europe, although if I want to work for money anywhere along the way, I might have trouble. Beyond that, I need to relevant authorities in each country. Anyone here living in Estonia, Latvia, Belarus or Ukraine able to tell me whether a tourist or a working tourist travelling down that coast would be appreciated?

      1. Tech
      2. Now I've got two choices ... not sure which is best. Apparently there is an iPaq available with built-in GPS capability, and which could be connected to the net through a bluetooth phone. O2 seem to have the best coverage from what I've seen, so I'd probably be getting a cheap phone from them. As your included minutes/texts don't apply abroad, I figure I'd be better off going for a pay-as-you-go package.

        Or option 2 - the Mio A701 smartphone, recommended by the Vodafone salesperson, has inbuilt GPS. So with a single device, I could go online to update my journal, and keep track of my position.

        1. Blog
        2. No luck here ... everyone I've spoken to looking for recommendations on blogs just recommends a site, which usually doesn't have any open code available. So it looks like I'll have to write my own from scratch (adding the features I want into wordpress or livejournal would probably be more than I've got time for)

          1. Languages
          2. Found one kind person willing to try hypnotising me over text ... was semi-effective, I think. But I'd still like to try doing it more with anyone willing to help me.

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