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Baphijmm's Recent Entries


by Baphijmm

Hello. For all intents and purposes, I am Baphijmm. I came across this site yesterday when someone pointed it out in an IRC channel I tend to frequent. Upon browsing, I must say I'm impressed with the variety of material here. I've been trying since I found the site to go under on several files and, while I've had success going under, it's not been regular, and I've not been able to absorb what I'm supposed to from the files yet.

I can easily put myself into a semi-trance, where my entire body goes numb and limp; the problem I have is shutting my head up. Even with the ConfusionInduction, I couldn't really do it very well. Now, as I said before, I have actually gone into a complete trance with a few (four) of these files, but only once on each, and I'm not thinking it worked so well. One of the files, for example, was the EnchantedKeyboardCurse; when I woke up and remembered that was what I had been listening to, I ran over to the computer to try it out to no avail. Granted, it was only my first time with the file, so I do plan on trying again.

I'm just rambling on right now because I can. It's not that I don't like the site, because really I do. I'm just a whiner. :P I have had limited success with the TrainNippleOrgasm file, though; after the second listen, I tested it out and, while it wasn't spectacular, it was certainly arousing.

The one file I *really* want to absorb is TrigBodySlave; that is my biggest fetish, to be controlled by someone in exactly that manner. Of course, in order to actually get it to work, I need someone I know and trust who'd be willing to test it out.

I'm going to stop here for now, I guess. Got nothing else to say really, other than hello.


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