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Ria's Recent Entries

How long...

by Ria

It's been ages since I was last here. But, I must say I've had alot of fun, changed my faith, got new insight into his hypnos thing. Hmm, things are going pretty good. Still. something seems kinda off... I've entered trance hundreds of times over the days, sometimes I did it simply by meditating as part of my religion. But... The files never seemed to have worked. Maybe I'm just not suggestable enough. Heh, I guess so. Part of me says I should probaly just stop trying, but I'm just not listening. XD Ehh, well, love to type more out for people to read, but I don't think anyone will even read this. But if they do? Hiya!!! ^_^ Lord I am nuts.


- Blink

Many will read. Few will respond. It's the nature of the place. Keep writing. -- Blink

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