Baselineby ossianI've been playing with VH for four days, so far, sampling this-n-that.
Yesterday I was on WMM for the first time, and HypnonettEvieAway pulled my Robot trigger. It was shocking, and exciting, and erotic, and surprised me utterly. She tried to give me hallucination experience, which was moderately successful; I didn't experience the hallucination, but I reacted, progressively, as if I did.
Which was frightening and exciting and cool. :)
I spent the rest of the day tailoring VH files to pursue my path...whatever that may be.
Last night, a few lines in one of my files (uninhibited, refitted for males) apparently bit me deep, as every touch and caress from the spouse was AMAZING.
This morning, I tailored the files some more, to enhance and focus. And we'll see.