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ossian's Recent Entries


by ossian

I've been playing with VH for four days, so far, sampling this-n-that. Yesterday I was on WMM for the first time, and HypnonettEvieAway pulled my Robot trigger. It was shocking, and exciting, and erotic, and surprised me utterly. She tried to give me hallucination experience, which was moderately successful; I didn't experience the hallucination, but I reacted, progressively, as if I did. Which was frightening and exciting and cool. :) I spent the rest of the day tailoring VH files to pursue my path...whatever that may be. Last night, a few lines in one of my files (uninhibited, refitted for males) apparently bit me deep, as every touch and caress from the spouse was AMAZING. This morning, I tailored the files some more, to enhance and focus. And we'll see.


- sleepy134

Ossian, can you tell me more about the VH files, and thank you for your comment. sleepy134

- ossian

Certainly! I listened casually to a few different inductions, but something about robotcontrol inductions seemed to 'tag' me pretty well. I played with robotcontrol, deepened with uninhibitted (editted for males), suggested hypnoslave, and wakened with obey. One of the things I love about Virtual Hypnotist is that I can edit the scripts so easily; I noticed that anything to do with helplessness and arousal worked really well for me, so liberally laced all four files with that kind of language. I am not able to trigger a light trance, so use the trigger induction, and deepen it or add deepening aspects to my suggestion file. Did that help?

- ossian

That should read: "I am _now_ able to trigger into a light trance."

- sleepy134

Ossian, I appreciate your comments. I picked Stoke Sissy file for its length. My computer had been crashing after about 8 or 9 minutes. After repair I wanted a long test. boy did I get it! After three plays, and I cant seem to get enough, As yet I've only had my wifes slip and panties on once and have shaved under arms. And now you know my sissy name. Help sleepy134

- ossian

Does your wife know you're 'tizing? And are you happy with the results...having fun, feeling excited and calm and pleased?

I make no promises about misusing your sissy name, but I promise that your best interests will be paramount in my thoughts...mostly. :)

- sleepy134

Ossian, appreciated your comments, feel free to check my addition. sleepy134 and if you wonder where that handle came from think Dewey decimal

- sleepy134

Played sissy twice, I think. reading message causes large hard, Happy as hell for some reason, put a vibrating razor handle in my ass. Life is good. Wild dreams, cant find a down side. Pauline

- sleepy134

Played sissy twice, I think. reading message causes large hard, Happy as hell for some reason, put a vibrating razor handle in my ass. Life is good. Wild dreams, cant find a down side. Pauline

- sleepy134

Unable to break into hypnofantasy. were you trying to help? it keeps telling me the email address already exists or user all ready exists. unable to comply. I went to buy new glasses {reading} and found myself in ladies wear. Panties are 8.99$

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