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poetzero's Recent Entries

The Broken String

by poetzero

Well, it's been quite some time since I've written an entry. Life's little insanities have prevented me from listening to these files on a regular basis. It is only in the past couple of days I am able to get back on track.

Subliminal files are strung together and repeated throughtout the morning hours. These files include SubReinforcer, sublimAccelerator, sublimLucidDreaming, sublimMemoryImprovement, and sublimTrainTrance. More subliminal strings shall be created in the future. Despite the crazy schedule of the past month-plus, I have been able to listen to these files at least once every morning.

In the late afternoon/early evening, as well as before turning in for the night, I manage to listen to TrigWoman2 and precede it with the Accelerator and TrainSusceptable files. These I loop as well, listening to sessions 3-4 times at a clip. The nighttime sessions also include the TrainSleepReinforce file.

I've also started listening to the RobotTime file repetitively. I've yet to be triggered for this, but I believe it will work quite well when someone does use this trigger on me.

Due to the break-off, the trances and effects were obviosly weakened, but with the concentrated efforts of the past few days, I am getting back to the level of trance I was at prior, and rather quickly, too, I might add. However, I believe sessions with a tist on a face-to-face level will allow me to acheive the deepest trances, thus making the files more effective. Regardless, my tenacious nature will keep me going in attempts to reach that 'perfect' trance, barring of coarse, life's little hiccups.


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