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Trance achieved?

by Baphijmm

Holy crap, I think I actually did it.

I wasn't sure before when I thought I had been put into trance; I tended to sleep through the wake-up and through several files, waking up in the middle of another aways down the road. That happened this time too, but I felt a lot more confident about this being a trance.

I started out listening to the IMAccept file, because I knew that file had the highest success rate for putting me under, or at least to sleep. Sure enough, I can't remember hearing it at all. Towards the end though, I remember hearing words that sounded like the file should be ending, but I didn't actually hear the count-up; it just seemed to skip on into the next file. I know that's not what it did, because I went back after I woke up to find there was indeed a wake-up portion of the file; I just hadn't heard it consciously. So anyway, as I realized this might be what happened (the lack of wake-up, while I was still under), I just immediately relaxed again, knowing TrigBodySlave was playing now even though my playlist was on random. Indeed, that was the next file that played, but I couldn't have known that consciously.

I finally woke up in the middle of the induction for FurryTransformation, which so far has woken me up three times now, twice from actual sleep (I slept through the night with the files playing). I think I'm going to remove that one from the playlist, if it just wakes me up. But honestly, I feel as though there's been a lot of progress since last night. :D 'Course, I can't test it just yet... Waiting patiently for the weekend.


- ossian

Pleasepleaseplease keep posting your progress.

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