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Sound file editing

by Baphijmm

Well, figured it'd be wise, because IMAccept puts me under so well and TrigBodySlave's the file I want to listen to, to put the one's induction on the other file. Took quite a bit of editing, because Audacity thought I wanted it in the same space as the other, so the stupid thing sped up, so I slowed it back down but then found out it slowed down everything after that to, so I sped that part back up only to find it hadn't slowed down *everything* after, so I had to slow down a bit more... needless to say, it was a lot of pointless editing crap I went through. I also added some space between the numbers in the wake-up bit of the file, because that count-up is WAY too fast... but it's been edited.

Listened to it last night, and while I didn't go under nearly as fast as usual with that induction, I'm blaming it on anticipation; I did eventually go under during the file, so it's all good. I think. Anyway, supposedly, a friend of mine is going to test the trigger tonight. We'll see if/how that goes.


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