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ossian's Recent Entries


by ossian

I've been having difficulty in managing trigger effects, physical effects, and hallucinations, so have restricted myself to simple inductions, deepenings, and awakenings. No triggers, no ultimate slavery or ever-growing hard-ons, no turning myself into a pigeon whenever I hear the words "illustrious gestalt."

And there has been an effect growing. I'm going deeper, faster, and that's lovely. Today, I pursued Cardigan's deepening, and after entering the door in the garden (which I am seeing with detail and clarity now, an improvement), I met myself.

There was conversation, although I could barely hear the me that I met there, and don't remember it. Interesting. Bizarre. And clearly not a dream. I don't seem to know what to think, so I'm just accepting it at face value and seeing what comes of it.


- sleepy134

was able to access hypnofantasy. I COMPLIED!!!!pauline

- sleepy134

Has pauling displeased? I complied

- sleepy134

correction, pauline complied

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