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Last Night's Session.

by Baphijmm

So, last night was really neat. I didn't get to sleep until 3:30 AM because I was watching TV, but that was okay with me; I eventually turned the TV off, started the files, and went to sleep.

Some time during the night, I had a dream that I was seated before my computer as usual, chatting with someone, when suddenly out of nowhere I heard the trigger for TrigBodySlave. The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it, mostly because I couldn't really move. The voice had truly immobilized me, and the thought of being forced to do whatever the voice told me was making me giddy enough to chuckle quietly as I sat in the chair. Unfortunately, the rest of the words were inaudiable, so I kinda didn't do anything until I woke up again at around 6:30.

It was at this point that I recognized the voice - EMG. Because the files had been playing in my sleep as they usually do, and because I generally have lucid dreams, the sound of the file came through, and the trigger was emphasized because... well, I can only assume it was emphasized because the trigger is set in my head to at least do something.

The great thing is, I didn't recognize it as a dream when it happened, and I still have difficulty thinking it was; knowing this, I think I can safely say the trigger was at least slightly reinforced by this dream, which would be great if it were true.

I'm going to continue to listen to the files as I sleep. :)


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