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poetzero's Recent Entries


by poetzero

Developments worth noting. Whilst in trance, I am starting to actually visualize. It's very brief, maybe for about a second at a time here and there, but that's about it.

In addition, as I listened to the files today, I blacked out. Became cognizant of the CD in the wakening. Not sure whether this is a good thing or not. Just wondering if I went too deep or even simply fell asleep. For the time being, I will not worry about it.

TrigWoman2 is also showing signs of progression. The trigger causes a more pronounced effect, more intense. Stronger. In spite of the fact I still have yet to actually see the changes that are supposed to happen, there is a more noticable difference in how the body feels and the mind thinks. Way cool! And I've no doubt this, too, shall improve.

Finally, the subliminal trance enhancement files are taking effect. It's obvious by what was written above, but last night something else happened. I was simply hanging in a chat room when someone was trying to hypnotize someone else. I only wanted to observe, but found myself also going under. I was fully aware this might happen and surprised that it did, positively so. I was able to bring myself back up, as I said earlier, I only wanted to observe this time, which I did. Most amazing. Knowing now I am able to go under in this manner was a revelation and it's likely I'll work up the guts to participate. Looking back, I probably would have had it not been for my neighbor knocking on my door looking for some rolling papers as I was just entering the chat room. Threw off all the rhythm. Oh well, there's always next time.


- ossian


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