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Luperci's Recent Entries

Log 1 Entry 4

by Luperci

I keep meaning to update my journal daily, but I keep forgetting, Damn. I will have to get on top of that. I have been listening to Curse Male Breast Growth and also Curse PMS at least once, and sometimes twice a day. I have noticed that there seems to be a slight pressure behind my breasts, but as of this time I have not yet noticed any actual growth. I am noticing from the PMS file that I am wanting a period, but it has not yet happened. The tingling in the breast area is more or less still there, but not nesscearily as noticeable as it once was. I am not sure if this is good or bad but I can't seem to stay away from either file for too long.


- happyone

its hard to keep up with the cds with a male roommate that dont understand anything you are about.

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