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slavekaye's Recent Entries

full time, new owner soon

by slavekaye

at the moment slavekaye been living in near full time slavery, this is slavekaye's first tiem online for a while and slavekaye is happy to tell you that slavekaye is being sold to a new owner. slavekaye has no say in this and may not have internet access soon but slavekaye exists only to serve slavekaye's owner. slavekaye accepts her position as goods to be bought and sold. all slavekaye's clothing bought for her by her prior owner has been thrown out and slavekaye's new owner will not be buying her any as slavekaye will be forbidden any clothing at any time. slavekaye does as she is ordered as her owner knows what is best for his slave. slavekaye may not get another chance to post here, it started as a bit of fun and has taken slavekaye more deeply into a world where slavekaye belongs as someone's property, slavekaye likes her owned status :)


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