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cherub_of_darkness' Recent Entries

well here's hoping...

by cherub_of_darkness

I am slightly new to this sight I've only been on for 2 or 3 days. I have selected and am listening to around 6 files and plan on using more (assuming they work) Does anyone know if they work and how long it takes? thank you ^_^


- Luperci

Most of the files (if not all to some degree or another) do work, but they will take repitition to work to thier fullest effect. For hypnosis to work at its best two things should be in place first: You need to WANT the changes on at least your subconcious level, and preferably on a concious level as well. If the file is something that you dont want, your subconcious will simply reject the suggestions. My best advice is to try some of the simple files to start with and go from there.

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