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jmac32here's Recent Entries

New Manager

by jmac32here

So..Life sucks for me for a bit. First I transfer to a new store..then the manager decides to put in his two weeks..and today..he didn't even show up to open the store...neither did anyone else. So my DM officially fired them and we now have a new manager. I'm hoping for the best. But now..we had to do inventory and we get to go back tomorrow morning to reconcile the inventory. Well, I guess that takes care of the problems the old manager caused. *sighs* BTW..My previous post was after I wrote a nice letter thanking the Executive for trying, and crying for about an hour. So I've gotten it off my chest, and I don't feel so bad anymore. Hopefully they come up with something that isn't "seperate but equal." (Sorry...when was the last time that term was used..?? Oh yea..when ppl were segregated by the color of their skin.)


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