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veeeerrrrryyy interesting...

by lash310

Didn't think this warranted a post in the forums yet, but wanted to record it. The first time I listened to the cum torture file, I had a suprising degree of success - the binding worked like a charm, and I actually had an orgasm (with no additional stimulation to help it along). I've listened to it a few times since then, both the full version and the subliminal version, but without much result...a feeling, perhaps, that I could *choose* to go through that experience, but didn't. Last night, however, I went throught the visualization help file, and a few subliminals (trigslave and a few others), and then thought to myself "what the hell, I'll try it again", and I put cum torture on again.. I didn't think my trance was particularly deep this time, and doubted that I would have any more success than my last several listenings of that file, and after it was done, I felt the binding for a couple of minutes, but nothing else. I was able to break the binding with a brief focus of will, and turned over to go to sleep... That's when the rest of the file kicked in, I guess...not sure what the delay was, but there was no choice made on my part (at least not concious) to "allow" anything to happen...and there was definite "activity" in and around my groin that made getting to sleep very very interesting... I think a few more listenings of the visualization help file and possibly the suggestibility file, and this one might actually take... Here's to partial success!!!


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