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joe's Recent Entries

punk, or jock? (and KoRn!)

by joe

lately i've been wavering, mostly due to the way the files are said on the votepage. i used to want to be a jock, and things like CurseJock and TrainTotalJockPast are really enticing. but then i think about where i want to be and how i'm trying hard to get there .. but how it doesn't feel extreme enough. i go back and forth. a few days ago i even found myself considering feminization, even though i've never ever wanted to go there - it's just extreme, which is nice. but i like being a guy too much to do that for real. so my goals are now to get tattoos, a piercing or two (maybe gauging my ears) and a skateboard. and i think that's actually in reverse order. i'd also like to lose even more intelligence ... and then there's this KoRn thing. i haven't even been hypnotized, but i follow the thread in the forums religiously, and i haven't even heard any KoRn yet, i think i'm waiting for danmalara to post an album. we'll see i guess. we'll see.


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