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willingsub's Recent Entries

Playing with EMG's fire

by willingsub

Yesterday I recorded how my responses to the Dark Cage files seem to be more directed towards EMG than towards my husband. I expect this is because my husband and I don't have a D/s relationship, even though we do occasionally play, most often with my husband as Dominant and myself as submissive. I considered not listening to the Dark Cage files anymore, but have decided I continue listening to them anyway. I think the way those files make me submissive towards EMG also makes the weightloss files more effective. After all, it is EMG I am obeying when accepting those files. Also I expect the submissiveness towards my husband will simply kick in when we play, remaining dormant outside of D/s situations. Of course all of this may just be rationalizations of a simple addiction to the DC files and feeling submissive to EMG.


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