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willingsub's Recent Entries

83,5 kg

by willingsub

better, but not back to where I was two days ago.


- CuriousG

You should probably bare in mind that anything under 1 kg isn't really relevant, as that difference in weight can be affected by drinking a cup or two of water, when your last bowel movement was, what you're wearing, etc.

- willingsub

I know. I try to eliminate that effect as much as possible by weighing myself each day at the same time: in the morning, after I visit the toilet, and before I have anything to eat or drink. And I weigh myself naked of course, it makes no sense to compare the weight of my various outfits instead of comparing my own weight from one day to the next. That being said, I know some variation from one day to the next is natural and not necesarily an indication of real weight gain (or real weightloss for that matter). I never said my fussing over such small variations was rational...

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