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willingsub's Recent Entries

slacking up (85 kg)

by willingsub

I haven't had much time to listen to my files for a few days. Or actualy, I've had about as much time as before, but my frantic listening started to really get in the way of life, so it might be healthier not to listen as much. Unfortunately I'm an all-or-nothing kind of girl, so not listening has quite a strong effect. Of course the fabulous risotto my husband made yesterday may have had something to do with my lack of restraint. For the past few days I hovered around the same weight I recorded last, to wake up this morning with a weight gain of 1,4 kg. Hopefully that's due to that copious meal sitting in my guts, in stead of already sitting on my thighs. Since going under is all the time with the files is really screwing up my daily rithm, I'll try listening to my subliminal music for a while. I'm cutting out the music with Posession though: it's making me way too submissive towards EMG, making me want to be his personal slave. It's really going to far. I'm already submissive enough to make EMG's authoritative style work well on me, I don't need to add on that. After all, throwing myself at EMG's feet and begging him to be my master isn't an option.



Yeah, your husband might not be too pleased with that ;) Still, it is quite a compliment. Just work harder on the weightloss, it will come.

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