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by Luperci

There is not a whole lot new to report, just that the pregnancy seems to be going well, and have noticed a sliight upset stomach in the mornings, but nothing that I could call "morning sickness" yet. It may be a bit too early yet for that, but who knows. On that one, only time will tell. Brest growth is continuing, I am now at an A cup on the left side and a AA cup on the right side. I would eventually like to see the cup size be somewhere around a C or maybe a D cup. I am thinking about starting Cardigan's Shower Of Bondage, but I need to wait for approval before I can start that one. It sounds like it would be fun though


- oh2bpreg

If I may make a suggestion, start taking pictures of yourself throughout your pregnancy. Many of us (myself included) would love to see that it actually works.

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