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Luperci's Recent Entries

Log 2 Entry 6

by Luperci

Things have been going weirdly lately. My Primary ISP is refusing to allow me acess to this site, Ihave tried every thing to change that; from resetting my security to the lowest possible all the way up to and including not ONE but TWO reformat and reinstalls. I had to sign up to a Secondary ISP to be able to access this site. My Files are going along well. I am not noticing much in the way of any weight gain or water retention yet, but the odd food cravings are continuing. today dinner was waffles with sausage grease as the oil, butter, strawberries, blackberries and mustard in the batter and syrup on top.


- oh2bpreg

Glad to hear that you're having some success. I know you said pics were a problem because of the roomie. Perhaps keep a log of your weight and measurements (both of which can be done in the privacy of your bathroom where you don't have to worry about the roomate.)

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