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dee's Recent Entries

The inner me

by dee

I find myself thinking like her so often,I guesss thats why they call it confustion. So many things i enjoy as her.and the wanting driving me.The use of these files have given me a taste of my deepest desire.The feelings that have taken me by surprise. The wholeness inside. but the questions are still there,why?


- jodysub

Why is a question still there? Maybe you have not found the answer that you are seeking yet, or you have a partial answer but not the whole. Is it the same question or has it shifted focus? Questions are good things, as long as you question yourself then you are growing. Every time I find an answer it seems to generate two more questions LOL. Some questions I know I will never have an answer for, others I really do not care if I ever get an answer for. So keep asking questions and grow in who you are. Hugs Kim Lynn

- VeryGnawty

Why this? Why that? If you really knew why, would it change anything? What do you expect to get out of this search for "why"

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