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tyd_up's Recent Entries


by tyd_up

In my last entry I wondered if the files were wearing off. I was not spending as much time in bondage and I was beginning to question why I should be cuffing myself every night. Not long after that I started listening to my files more often. The effect was quick. I am back to spending my spare time in bondage. Now, I wonder if the files have something in them that made me go back to using them when they started wearing off? Since I don't remember the one file I don't know. I've gone into it listening for this, wanting to know if it includes a command to start using the files if they wear off. I did catch something about this in TrainMemoryLoss but I do not remember in the other one. The memory loss is too effective. At this point I'm having trouble writing the name of the other file. I remember less and less about what it does. Probably the next step will be to finally forget that I have been using it. I'm not quite sure what will happen then. Right now I know why I am tying myself up all the time. Will I still be comfortable with this if I forget what is causing it? That's something else - I'm sure that I was not going under as deeply the last few months. Even with the memory loss, I know that I was falling asleep some of the time but now I am in a very intense trance. I haven't felt such a strong trance in some time. Is this another part of it? Am I going deeper because I need to renew the commands?


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