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erika_davis' Recent Entries

Delightful Sunday

by erika_davis

I didn’t go out last night looking for a man, I just layed around feeling lazy. I was sleeping-in this morning when the phone rang. I nearly went into shock, it was one of those sexy guys I mentioned in my last entry and he wanted to come by and bring me some brunch. I put him off for an hour or so and by the time he got here I had showered, done my make-up, and slipped into some elegant lingerie I had been saving for a special occasion. This guy is so dreamy I really wanted to impress him. It must have worked because it wasn’t long before he let me know why he was here. duh. Since it was Sunday, I found myself on my knees worshipping this man-angel who was taking me to Nirvana. And baby, this angel-stud took me to the cosmos. I’ll have to pray all week ‘cause I was so bad. Forgive me father, I have sinned, fornicated, and done things I don't even know what they are called ....... (giggle,giggle). I am still quivering from his touch (he just left) and my thoughts are so full of him and his magnificent body. I've envied women because they got to enjoy the physical pleasures of a man. WOW, most women would envy me now. It seems just a short time ago that I wouldn't have imagined being with a man like this, much less feeling so uninhibited. This path I'm on feels so natural now that I'm breaking down the barriers to it.


- jodysub

Good for you girl, as long as you are happy. Hugs Kim L

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