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by tyd_up

I edited my other file to remove the description and listened to it today along with memory loss. I think I was right - without the description at the beginning I have a lot more trouble remembering exactly what the file does. As always, I do not remember a thing about the file but I do remember part way in thinking "So that's what it does! That's exactly what I'm doing." I only have a faint recollection of what I was listening to at the time. When I think about it I remember that I am to be in bondage daily. I'm sure that I had forgotten that detail a long time ago but that is exactly what is happening. I'm not in bondage right now (except for my CB3000) but I had yesterday off and spent most of it tied up one way or another. One of these days I need to add another file - probably one of the freeze ones and let some people know about the trigger.


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