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just_lurking's Recent Entries

ShowMeYourCock - Damn I didn't expect that to work

by just_lurking

I really didn't expect ShowMeYourCock to work. I've never expected any of the files here to have any effect and until to day none of them have. Most of the files I've listened to here have been of the type: dress in frills/wear a nappy, neither of which I have an interest in. Does the fact this file worked mean I'm a closet exhibitionist? Dear god I hope not.


- CanuckFlicks

No kidding! The same thing happened to me. I never would have thought I would do something like that but, surprisingly, I find that I'm quite proud of it! (Which is exactly how the file told me I would feel.) I couldn't even take the time to get my cock fully hard because I wanted to post it so badly. And I think it looks so great. I'm proud to have it up. (You have a very nice cock too, by the way. I'm glad you posted.)

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